Training Week 18: May is...

I hope you had a wonderful weekend and your May is off to a good start!

All allergy/cold/sniffles/sickness aside, May has been amazing. The kids and I are taking in all of this gorgeous weather, the farmers around here are planting like crazy, and the Fargo Marathon is only TWO WEEKS away! Good news. That means taper starts today.

This is our May (so far) in pictures!

May is... the smell of fresh laundry drying on the clothes line.

May is... watching our tulips bloom.

May is... tractor rides with Daddy. Do you think toddler E enjoys the rides just a little?

May is... extra outdoor exploration time.

May is... when our neighborhood comes alive with runners, bikers and walkers! E said he's training for a race this summer. Him and I may do a 1-mile run/walk in our town this summer. We'll see how his "training" goes :)

May is... BIRTHDAY MONTH! We are celebrating W's first birthday on the 23rd, I'm turning 29 on the 24th (and so begins the last year of my 20's!), and Grandma P's birthday is on the 26th. Lots of partying to do!

May is... Fargo Marathon time. I'm mostly excited and a little nervous. I am thankful that training was so much fun this time. Bring on the taper!

I shared my appreciation for compression gear while recovering in a recent post and I had the opportunity to try SLS3's Compression Foot Sleeves.

These foot sleeves relieve swelling and improves blood circulation after beating your feet to a pulp on the long run. The arch support feels great (I'm wearing mine right now!). Use the code "BLOG40" to get 40% off on SLS3's website!

Time for compression gear, extra fluids, foam rolling, and nasal spray... The taper's here and my body is well in need of it!


Fargo Marathon Training Week 18:

Monday, May 2

Easy-Effort with double stroller: 5.12 mi, 00:49 @ 09:34 pace.

This cold or allergy mess is taking it out of me! Today's run was supposed to be 10 miles but I was well done at 5 miles. Good enough!

Tuesday, May 3

 I took an extra rest day this week to completely recover from this sinus cold before it turns into the dreaded sinus infection.

Wednesday, May 4

Another rest day. While getting the kids ready for bed, I snuck in one minute of planking. I guess that counts for "strength training" this week.

Thursday, May 5

Speed Intervals: (Treadmill) 6 mi, 00:48 @ 07:55 pace.

First run back after two days of recovering from this sinus cold/allergy what-not.
1.00 mile @ 7:40 (.25 mile jog after each interval)
 0.75 mile @ 7:22
 0.50 mile @ 7:01
 0.25 mile @ 6:46
 2.00 miles @ 7:40

Friday, May 6

"Easy Effort" with double stroller: 5 mi, 00:50 @ 10:02 pace.

 Windy morning run with a few walk breaks. I pulled the stroller backwards (walking) when we were heading straight into the wind to spare the kids a bit. They seemed comfortable! Me, not so much :)

Saturday, May 7

I took another rest day today because the long run wasn't able to happen. Planting is in full swing which is great, but my husband is working long days and I'm pretty sure I couldn't get our kids to sit in the stroller for 14 miles!

Sunday, May 8

Long Run: 14.4 mi 02:00 08:20 pace

My husband and bro-in-law have Sundays off, even in the busy seasons, so I snuck in a run before church. It was great, minus not feeling well. I'm having a hard time recovering from this sinus cold/whatever it is so I took this run easier than planned. Now for two weeks of recovering from this sick before Fargo!

Total Mileage: 30.52 miles

What is your favorite part of May?

Linking up with Holly and Tricia's Weekly Wrap Up.


  1. You have so many fun things to look forward to this month! Enjoy your taper :)

    1. Oh I am enjoying the taper! Thank you, Michelle :)

  2. I feel great when I get my long run done early in the day. Finished my 15 miles today around 9. Sorry about your allergies. Hopefully, the problems will be gone by race day!

    1. Same here! The earlier the long run fits in, the less chance there is for something else to come up :) I'm feeling better already, allergy-wise!

  3. Wow - great pace for you long run! Inspirational. I just love May as well - we finally had a week of amazing temps here in MN so it was fantastic!

    1. I agree - the beautiful weather has been wonderful! Now today it's sleeting :) ... oh spring, so unpredictable.

  4. from an avid line-dryer, i love the clothes line :)

    1. I love our clothes line, too!!! It's a little extra work compared to throwing the clothes in the dryer but SO worth it. Line-fresh clothes are my favorite :)

  5. Oh wow Amy seeing the pictures of clothes on the line bring back so many childhood memories. The smell of fresh of the line sheets are just amazing!
    I hope you enjoy your taper!

    1. Yes! Fresh-off-the-line clothes are so wonderful! Thank you, Tricia :)

  6. I love all the pictures. May sounds like a great month for you. Happy Birthday in advance! May is when the blues are so blue and the greens are so green. That sticky hazy humidity hasn't shown up yet! We will celebrate our middle son graduating from high school next week too. Enjoy your taper! I hope your sinus/allergy problem is already gone. Thanks for linking with us Amy!

    1. Thank you for the birthday wishes, Holly :) Congratulations to your son on his graduation! There is so much going on in May for everyone!


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