Training Week 2: It's a Great Week

Happy Monday! I am deciding that this is going to be a GREAT week though it was off to a shaky start.

My Great Grandma passed away this morning at the age of 96. Talk about endurance! She was the toughest person I have ever met and I miss her greatly.

Her and I were very close and, though it's hard to see her go, I am thankful she is no longer in pain and she can fully see and hear again. Now she's in heaven spending her days with Jesus. It doesn't get any better than that, folks!
He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever. REVELATION 21:4
She was a supporter of my running and had her own witty way of encouraging me:
Gram: "How far did you go today?"
Me: "20 miles, Grandma."
Gram: "That's it?"
And her advice for running the Boston Marathon:
Gram: "You run fast now. I will be behind you poking you with a pin!"
I can just hear her saying that now and it makes me smile. I loved her sassy sense of humor!

In other news, the baby crawled for the first time today. He is a mischievous little one that keeps me running whenever he is awake! Him and his big brother get into everything.

We have been in a cold streak here and I ended up running on the treadmill for 4 out of the 5 runs. I can't complain! The treadmill was quite enjoyable, especially for speed-work and the tempo intervals. Our streets are so icy that it would be insane to try that outside.

Here's my little crawler and a breakdown of Fargo Marathon Training Week 2:

A photo posted by Amy W (@creativeaim87) on


Fargo Marathon Training Week 2:

01/11 Monday - Easy: (Treadmill) 6 mi, 00:51 @ 08:34 avg pace. I haven't been feeling well over the last couple days and decided to pass on a -16°F morning run.

01/12 Tuesday - Hill Intervals: (Treadmill) 3.57 mi, 00:30 @ 08:24 avg pace. 6 x 90 second intervals @ 6% grade, 6:47/mile (2.5 minute recovery jog in between). 5 x 1:00 planks. Feeling exhausted with a gunky cough still. The kids have whatever this is, too. The upside is that the run helped to cough up the nasty stuff!
01/13 Wednesday - Strength Training.

01/14 Thursday - Easy: 6.53 mi, 01:00 @ 09:11 avg pace. Quiet morning run in the snow with our pup. The 10°F weather felt GREAT compared to our sub-zeros lately!

01/15 Friday - Tempo Run: (Treadmill) 4 mi, 00:32 @ 08:03 avg pace. 6 x 90 second intervals @ 6:47/mile pace.

01/16 Saturday - Long Run: (Treadmill) 10 mi, 01:23 @ 08:18 avg pace. Ran long on the treadmill today and actually enjoyed it! Our treadmill handled the distance really well (usually don't run long indoors) and it felt great to not run on our icy streets. Ran @ 8:34/mile average with 5 x 5 minute intervals @ 8:00.

01/10 Sunday - Off.

Total Mileage: 30.1

What is one great part of your Monday?

Linking up with Mommy Moments and Fitness Health & Happiness.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. I recently visited my 93 year old grandma. Sounds like yours had a great sense of humor like mine.

  2. My condolences on the loss of your great grandmother. It's always hard to lose a loved one.

    1. It has been hard but it helps when I remember to thank God for all the memories we did have together. So many great times!

  3. Your little crawler is growing so fast. Adorable! Stellar training week with great mileage.

    Thanks for sharing with friends at Living a Life of Fitness Health & Happiness. Have an awesome weekend!


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