Celebrate This Place | Five-Minute Friday

Good morning! Welcome to this week's Five-Minute Friday!

What's a "free write"? No editing, no over-thinking, no worrying about perfect grammar or punctuation. Just write!

This week's word:

00:00 START the timer!

Today we're having a party!

Won't you join me?

Let's kick this party off by praising God for where we've been, where we are and what the future might hold.

Our faith journey is something to celebrate! Looking back on where God has taken us reminds us of His awesome sovereignty, the hope we have in Jesus and the power of our prayers.

Today let's celebrate by reflecting on answers to prayer as reminders of God's faithfulness.

Let us give praise to the Lord for His work in our lives and pray boldly for the future to come. God is capable of so much more than we can imagine!

Think of all the miracles that Jesus did in the Bible - that's OUR God! He hasn't changed. He is still amazing, He loves us and He can handle our bold prayers.

Celebrate by praying boldly today! God has such great things in store for us. 

Now that's a reason to celebrate!
Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to Him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen. EPHESIANS 3:20-21

05:00 STOP the timer!


  1. He hasn't changed! What an amazing reason to celebrate! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I absolutely love this!! "Let's kick this party off by praising God for where we've been, where we are and what the future might hold."

    1. It's definitely worth celebrating His work in our lives, isn't it :)

  3. I like that line too (the one Rachel quoted). It's good to praise the Lord and celebrate the life he has given us.

    I am FMF neighbour

  4. I love the line, "praising God for where we've been, where we are and what the future might hold." We have so many reasons to praise him.

    1. Amen, Samantha :) So much to praise Him for!

  5. Praying boldly! Yes! Hot prayers coming from my Spirit and mouth today! <3, jenn, fellow FMF writer


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