Meet Baby W!

Here is a quick intro to our newest family member, Baby W!

Baby W made his grand entrance at 12:40 am on May 23rd in our home. We had an amazing first waterbirth/homebirth experience! He weighed in at 7 lbs. and measured 20 inches long.

Baby W's homebirth story will be coming later...

Today we are all resting, enjoying time as a bigger family and celebrating my birthday!
Sing to Him, sing praise to Him;
tell of all His wonderful acts. 1 CHRONICLES 16:9
Linking up with Mommy Moments.


  1. Congrats Mama - welcome to the world Weston!

  2. Congratulations and God bless you and your family! What a cutie!

  3. He looks so sweet! Congrats! I am looking forward to reading his birth story. So glad that you got a home birth like you wanted.

    1. Thank you! I'm hoping to get the birth story written soon before I forget anything :) It was really a wonderful experience (for being birth and all)!

  4. Congratulations!! I'm so happy that your waterbirth/homebirth went well!! Yay!! I can't wait to hear all about your story!

    1. Thank you, Melissa! I'm hoping to finish writing up W's birth story soon :)

  5. I somehow missed this announcement, but am so excited to hear he is hear! Congrats to you and your family, he is such a doll! I hope you are all adjusting well!


    1. Thank you, Kelly! Baby W has been such a blessing to our family :) Adjusting to a family of four is definitely work in progress here. Every day it seems to get a little easier but it's definitely been a shock for our toddler!

  6. OMG congrats!!! How did I miss all the excitement?! I LOVE that you had a waterbirth. I was hoping to do that with both my kids but it didn't work out so well. Congrats! <3 <3 <3

  7. And happy belated birthday :)

    1. Ha! Yeah, I almost forgot it was my birthday that day... I think my brain was too tired to function :) Still had cake, though!

  8. He is beautiful!!!! and happy Birthday! I knew I liked ya- we are both May babies! #MaybabiesRock!

    1. May does rock! He can be our newest member to the May birthday club :)


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