8 Months

Well, Eli slept through the night for the first time last week! Now he's been sleeping every night since! Okay, not quite. We're back to the old routine - up 2 to 3 times a night again. I was so excited for about... one day. Meh, sleep is overrated, right?

Mr. Eli turned 8 months on Sunday and his personality is sure starting to show through!

Eli's Favorite Things

  • Army crawling and rolling has Eli on the move and usually towards trouble. He's fascinated with the wood for the living room fireplace.
  • Growling, random babbling, giggling, and high-pitch squeals are his means of communication.
  • Clawing parental faces is one of his favorite past times. It looks so innocent, "oh, he just wants to pet us!", and then BAM! out come the nails.
  • He's a good eater. Nursing, baby food, whatever - he just likes food, especially bananas.
  • Splashing in the bathtub is a new discover for him. I always have his cow and pig toys in the bath with him, but he would rather try to tear down the shower curtain.

In the last month, Eli has experienced his first sliver removal, "swam" in a pool for the first time, watched his first marathon, and has grown to 22 lbs! I can't believe how fast time has gone... Being a parent definitely hasn't been easy, but it is teaching me so much. We're so thankful God has blessed us with this little man!

For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:13-14



  1. My nephew is six months old... I love babies so much! It is like having a present that you get to open a new little piece of every day! Exceot sometimes the present is, SURPRISE! DIARRHEA!

    1. Haha no kidding! Babies definitely are full of many different "surprises" :)


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